The earliest you could feed your Bow Meow would be at 03/27/637 21:00. La vue calendrier t'offre une reprsentation visuelle des qutes quotidiennes venir.

Typing "/time" Command in the game's chat.
(It doesn't always update, so clicking the manual update is useful) You can check the time by trying the following actions: Item requirements for offerings may delight the opportunists and reward the most foresighted. There is often a day or two delay in the time change, it does not seem to be switched automatically.ĭofus Universal Time is displayed in a variety of places. The Almanax is largely based on existing content: it encourages players to rediscover areas or dungeons which return to the front of the stage when decked out in Almanax bonuses. It is the same as the time in Paris all year round, meaning that when France goes into Daylight Saving Time, DUT advances by an hour too. It helps assist players in knowing when events, pet feedings, and quests (among other things) can be advanced.ĭofus Universal Time is synchronized with GMT +1, and works on a 24 hour clock. ( Click here to synchronise.)ĭofus Universal Time (Also known as DUT) is a system of standardised time for the players of Dofus. It is approximately 10:17 in the World of Twelve.